Taraval Station

Captain’s Message: March 17, 2017 (Updated with Chinese Translation 英语翻译)

On Wednesday night, I held my community meeting at Aptos Middle School. The focus of the meeting was to discuss the increase we have seen with burglaries in the Taraval district. It was a great opportunity to share information with residents and highlight the tremendous job the members of Taraval have been doing. Most importantly, I had the chance to hear directly from the community about their concern and questions. The meeting was well attended but I always hope we will see more residents at these meetings. Thank you, to all of the residents who participated in the conversation and voiced your concerns. I know for some, that this not a comfortable thing to do and I hope all who attended have walked away from the meeting knowing that we have heard your voices. We also hope that the provided information was helpful to you. I understand with the Taraval being a large district, it is difficult to pick a location that works for everyone. BOS Katy Tang’s office is currently arranging for an additional meeting on April 13, 2017. I hope those who could not attend on Wednesday evening will be able to join us in April instead. Chief of Police Bill Scott and I will both be in attendance to hear from the community. Once a location has been confirmed, I will post the information to the Taraval.org website. Thank you Aptos Middle School for hosting us. Special thanks to BOS Katy Tang, BOS Norman Yee, Asst. Chief Toney Chaplin, Furlishous Wyatt of SFSafe and ADA Archie Wong for participating in the panel discussion, your commitment to the Taraval community is greatly appreciated.

Members of Taraval and SFPD continue to make significant arrests in incidents of burglary, theft from vehicles and robbery. On March 12, 2017 Sgt Jennifer Marino was conducting a follow up investigation on a burglary case. While in the area of the 2200 block of 45th Ave, she on viewed a suspect who was attempting to break into a residence. Sgt. Marino notified headquarters of her observations and officers quickly responded to assist her with the arrest. The subject was taken into custody and booked on charges of attempted burglary. The investigation of this incident revealed this subject was on probation is San Francisco for burglary. Great job Sgt. Marino!

On March 10, two commercial burglaries occurred in the Taraval. One took place on the 1200 block of LaPlaya at the 76 gas station. The second, took place on the unit block of West Portal at McCarthy’s Bar. Sgt Jennifer Marino was assigned to investigate both incidents. Once again, there was video evidence available which captured the image of the suspect. Sgt Marino issued a department wide crime alert to assist with her investigation. On March 13, 2017, the subject captured in those images was taken into custody by Bayview officers. This subject was also responsible for burglaries in the Bayview district and was arrested on those charges. Sgt Marino was subsequently notified of the arrest and will have the subject charged in connection to the 76 gas station and the McCarthy’s Bar burglaries.

Early this morning, an off duty SFPD officer on viewed a subject who was breaking into a car on the 1400 block of 14th Ave. The officer quickly jumped into action and began a pursuit the subject on foot. Officers of Taraval station responded to the area and assisted the off duty officer with taking the subject into custody. At the time of the arrest, the subject had in possession numerous items that had been stolen out of the victim vehicle. The subject was arrested for burglary in the 2nd degree and possession of stolen property. The subject is currently on probation for narcotics offenses and a probation hold was placed on the subject.

These three examples of arrests are part of the ongoing effort the SFPD is putting forth in order to address the incidents of burglary and theft from vehicles. Each arrest is significant as we know the suspects of burglary, both home and auto, have committed several crimes in one week. These officers should all be commended for their dedication to protecting our community. As a commanding officer, I see examples like these every day throughout the city. I am incredibly proud of the hard work of the officers and for their relentless pursuit of suspects who victimize the citizens and visitors of San Francisco.

In recent months, residents of the Taraval and Ingleside have been victimized by a crew of residential burglary suspects. We have numerous ongoing investigations into these incidents. A department wide effort to identify and apprehend the suspects is now being coordinated through the SFPD Investigations Division. The investigations have revealed that 3-4 black male suspects, wearing all black clothing, are committing these burglaries. They are driving around in a minivan with paper plates and are incredibly quick when committing these burglaries. The suspects in these cases are using a crow bar to gain entry into a residence and are completing the burglaries within minutes. We ask that if you observe anyone matching this description and driving a minivan with paper plates, please call 911.

As it is St Patrick’s Day today, we will see an increase of patrons at establishments consuming alcohol. The officers of Taraval are prepared for the increase we may see and will be focusing on high visibility. If you have a complaint of a loud party or an intoxicated person, please contact the SFPD non-emergency number at 415-553-0123.  With so many options for transportation, please do not drink and drive! Let’s keep everyone safe!

Finally, we have a new addition to our website at Taraval.org. We added an option for community feedback. My hope is to gain community feedback on our community policing efforts in the Taraval. This is a great opportunity to let us know when our officers are doing a good job but also a chance for community members to make suggestions on how we can improve. Please do not use this new feature to report crime. Also if you want to file a complaint about a specific officer and incident, contact Taraval station directly and request to speak with the Lieutenant on duty.

As always, I welcome the partnerships we have with our community. If you have any, questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to contact me directly at 415-759-3100 or email me at




今次會議出席人數眾多,但我一直希望這類會議能見到更多居民。多謝每一位親臨會議發言表達心聲及傾談的市民。我明白對某些人來說,感受並不太好,但我想出席的所有人知道,我們聽取了你的聲音,也希望你們離開會議時獲取了對你們有用的資訊。Taraval是一個廣闊的地區,我明白很難選址方便每一個人,現時市參事湯凱蒂正安排在2017年4月13日舉行多一場社區會議,我希望那些在星期三晚上不能到來的民眾,可以出席4月的會議,屆時警察局長Bill Scott及我都會出席。當會議地點落實後,我會在Taraval.org網站貼出來。多謝Aptos中學騰出地方讓我們舉行會議,特別多謝在會議中解答及與民眾討論問題的市參事湯凱蒂、市參事余鼎昴、助理警察局長Toney Chaplin、三藩市防止罪案資源中心Furlishous Wyatt及助理地檢官Archie Wong,很感激你們對Taraval社區的承諾。

Taraval警察分局同僚以至整個三藩市警察局繼續成功拘捕多宗爆竊案、汽車盜竊及打劫案的疑犯。在3月12日,Jennifer Marino警佐正跟進調查一宗爆竊案,當她在45th Ave 2200路段時,發現一名疑犯正企圖闖入一所民居,Marino警佐通報總部,其他警察迅速增援協助她拘捕該名疑犯。該疑犯被拘押及控以企圖爆竊罪。經調查後發現,該疑犯涉及三藩市爆竊案,當時正假釋中。Marino警佐,做得好!

在3月10日,Taraval發生兩宗店舖爆竊案,一宗是發生在LaPlaya 1200號路段的76油站,第二宗發生在West Portal 0-99路段的McCarthy’s酒吧。Jennifer Marino警佐被委派調查這兩宗案件。再一次,有攝錄鏡頭拍到疑犯的樣貌,Marino警佐將訊息發予全市警員。在2017年3月13日,在影像當中的疑犯被灣景區警員拘押,該疑犯因涉及灣景區多宗爆竊而被捕,其後Marino警察獲悉該疑犯亦會被加控76油站及McCarthy’s酒吧爆竊案。

今早,一名三藩市警察局休班警員目擊一名疑犯正爆竊14th Ave 1400路段一部汽車,該休班警員立即採取行動徒步追截疑犯,Taraval分局警員接報到場增援協助該休班警員將疑犯拘捕。該名疑犯當時正持有從受害人汽車爆竊得來的多件財物,該疑犯因二級爆竊罪、藏有賊贓被捕。該疑犯當時因販毒而正在假釋,事後已暫不准保釋出外。



在聖帕特里克節(St Patrick’s Day),我們會見到有更多人在消費場所飲酒,Taraval警員已作好準備及作出應對,如果要投訴派對嘈吵及醉酒人士,請致電三藩市警察局非緊急熱線415-553-0123。市內有眾多公共交通工具,請勿酒後駕駛!保障大眾安全!

